Archive for October, 2009

Breaking News from Upstate!

Dede Scozzafava has quit the campaign for Congress in NY’s 23rd Congressional District.  That leaves it a two man race between Doug Hoffman and Owens.  This can only be good for the Hoffman campaign, and it is certainly a victory for the Tea Party movement.

Time to break out the banners, Victory in Twenty Three and bring them to Washington on Thursday!!

Hat tip: The Other McCain

Here’s a video:

More here.

RNC throws support to Hoffman.


Breitbart is reporting that the ‘death panels’, which were supposedly removed after Sarah Palin called them to the public’s attention, have found their way back into Pelosi’s version of the bill.  The lying hypocritical Democrats snuck it back in hoping no one would notice.  Seniors were right to worry last time and have every right to be outraged this time.  Dump AARP they are selling you out to the grim reaper!

Read the whole article here.

But the greedy trial lawyers get protection from tort reform with a penalty for any state that tries to reform on its own!

greed blocks

“a state is not eligible for the incentive payments if that state puts a law on the books that limits attorneys’ fees or imposes caps on damages.”

Who is looking out for who here?

Kill the Bill!!

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit.

Andy Sullivan of Blue Collar Corner gets the straight scoop from Rick Lazio himself!

Rick last ran against Hillary Clinton for Senator of New York.  The world has changed since then and we wish him every success in this new battle!

New York needs a makeover!

The only 3-way debate between the candidates for the NY 23rd District was held tonight.

Doug Hoffman Debate

It took place in the News 9 Syracuse studios which are outside the district, but a major media hub for the area.  News 9 anchor Dan Cummings was the moderator for the one hour session.  He appeared to be well prepared and evenly balanced in his questions of all the candidates, I rate his performance an A.  There were some sensitive areas that were not touched, such as abortion, and that is a drawback for Hoffman who is the only pro-life candidate in this race.

There was an initial incident when Doug Hoffman’s microphone was not functioning when he gave his initial statement, it was interesting that it only happened to him, the last candidate to speak.  He continued without pause which was a plus in my eyes.

Owens and Scozzafava are obviously more comfortable in public speaking than Doug Hoffman as would be expected from their professions of politician and lawyer as opposed to Hoffman’s career in accounting.  For myself it was substance over presentation that was important and I thought Hoffman did well, a B+.  Scozzafava did very well on the background issues facing the district, but since it is her judgement and liberal leanings which are in question, one has to ask whether knowledge of the issues, without a strongly principled background, would lead to the best solutions.

Owens spoke well, but it was obvious he was just toeing the Democrat party line.  In favor of Pelosi-care, stimulus spending that provides no jobs, earmarks, etc…

I have to say the candidate who most likely improved their image in this debate was a tie between Hoffman and Scozzafava.  That will be unfortunate of it sways any voters to back her over Hoffman.

For video of the debate go here.

The Lonely Conservative has a link to a post debate interview with Doug Hoffman!

Tonight former NY Governor George Pataki endorsed Doug Hoffman!

Great Video of the endorsement speech!

Meanwhile, a Beltway staffer type was videoing license plates at a Doug Hoffman event73Wire‘s Ali Akbar caught him in the act:

And a report on Doug Hoffman at the Plattsburgh Chamber of Commerce Breakfast this morning:

Update:  See our video on Rick Lazio confirming he will run for Governor of NY State!

Scroll down for updates

The Socialist Healthcare plan will be released from behind the closed doors of Congress today.

It will include some form of the Public Option which is the means by which they expect to take over the American Healthcare system.

Let us be perfectly clear.  Any form of the public option is a trojan horse designed to undermine private health insurance until your employers or the health insurance industry itself removes private health insurance from the market.

Verum Serum has the evidence:

There are few graver threats to the future of America than this plan.

It is incumbent upon every American to defeat this bill if you want the America your children and grandchildren to inherit to continue to have the best healthcare system in the world.

Don’t let future healthcare be reduced to this:


Hat Tip:  Gateway Pundit

UpdateOk, Here it is All 1,990 Pages.  How many congress critters do you suppose will actually read it?

Courtesy of Michelle Malkin

More at Gateway Pundit.

Rochester Conservative has a breakdown of all the taxes in the bill!

Legal Insurrection finds profound stupidity in the bill!

Paranormal TAXivity, the movie!


Dear Mr. Gingrich,

I have had enough.
You have the audacity to complain about outsiders meddling in the electoral affairs of New York State and yet you are doing exactly the same thing.
How hypocritical can you get?

But that is not what lit my fuse.
What lit my fuse was your inept bungling about the realities of politics here in New York State.
You look at New York State and see New York City and assume the rest of the state is exactly the same way.  You look at the RINOs that have controlled the party machinery in NY State and assume all New Yorkers are like them.
Well here’s a wake up call for you.  It’s not and we’re not.

New York State is about as politically diverse as it is possible for a state to be.  Yes we have the far left bastions residing in New York City, but we also have great swaths of the state that are as conservative as anything in your native Georgia.  Would you compare the politics of rural Georgia to those of downtown Atlanta?  I think not.

Then don’t try and summarize the politics of rural NY in sweeping generalities about the liberal Republicans you know from this state.  They are the product of a broken Republican Party which has done more to destroy its own credibility over the years than anything we can do in opposition to it in a few short weeks.

We are in the middle of a conservative revolution for the Republican Party in this state and you, a supposed conservative, are fighting on the wrong side.

We will win our war with or without your meddling, but don’t expect us to look kindly on those who aided and abetted our opposition whether they are Republicans or not.

For me, I’m going to keep RINO hunting with my Tea Party friends.


Dan Maloney
NY State Coordinator
Gathering of Eagles

A new poll taken by the Minuteman PAC just a day after the Club for Growth poll shows an even greater increase in support for Doug Hoffman!

Doug Hoffman Gadsden

The Results:

Hoffman (C) – 34%
Owens (D) – 29%
Undecided – 23%
Scozzafava (R) – 14%

Real Clear Politics has the story.

This doesn’t mean he’s out of the woods yet.  That is a big undecided number and the Democrat political machine in Washington is just gearing up its direct assault on Hoffman.  With a 20% lead over Scozzafava it is time for the Republican to throw in the towel and back Hoffman in this race if she is really interested in keeping the seat out of Democrat hands.

Let’s hear what you have to say.

Help Doug cross the finish line Here!

The Other McCain continues his excellent series of reports (this time on a NY Times story) here!

Newt Gingrich continues to get it wrong!

Hoffman cancels one on one debate with Scozzafava:

“Dede Scozzafava is plummeting in the polls,” said Hoffman spokesman Rob Ryan when asked why Hoffman decided not to attend. “She has become a spoiler in this race. The real race is between Doug Hoffman and Bill Owens.”

Quit, Dede, Quit!

Gateway Pundit has more here!

Michelle Malkin reports on Scozzafava’s favorite endorser here!

Joe Scarborough blasts Newt here!

Michelle Malkin piles on!

Allahpundit is now asking is Scozzafava finished?!  So far the survey says YES!

A new poll out by The Club for Growth shows Doug Hoffman now in the lead in the race for Congress in New York’s 23rd district!

Doug Hoffman

The Breakdown:

Hoffman (C) – 31.3%
Owens (D) – 27%
Undecided – 22%
Scozzafava (R) – 19.7%

Lynda reports:

I talked to a realtor friend of mine in North Creek and she said there were no individuals in Minerva, Northcreek, or Pottersville who didn’t know who Doug Hoffman was. There are signs all over Minerva.

The tide is definitely turning, keep up the great work!

It’s never too late to make a donation to the cause!

More here, here and here!

Update: The Democrat National Congressional Committee is turning to negative advertising against Doug Hoffman believing him to be the major threat to their candidate!

Here is excellent background information on how the disastrous Scozzafava nomination came about.

This should get the Democratic National Committee’s knickers in a knot!  And maybe worse in RNC and NRCC circles!


My friend and fellow patriot, Bob MacGuffie, of Right Principles, who the DNC chose to lambast as the secret head of the Tea Party movement, has issued a rousing endorsement of Doug Hoffman in the NY-23 race:

There comes a time when any political movement must stand on principle.  This is one of those times. That is why Right Principles is proud to contribute $1,000 to the campaign of Doug Hoffman in his pursuit of the Congressional seat in the NY 23rd District.

For too long have the Republican Party professionals, in pursuit of their own narrow professional interests, used and then abandoned its most loyal segment: the Conservative Base.

Every election cycle Republicans come before us and, in the name of pragmatism, demand the Conservative Base abandon its most cherished principles so that “the lesser of two evils” can be elected.   All the old clichés are trotted out: half a loaf is better than none; at least the candidate is a “fiscal” conservative; the Party needs to attract Independents; the Party can’t win with “only” the Base; the Party needs to appear bi-partisan; once the candidate is elected he can be “pressured” to “move right” and, of course, he’s better than the Liberal candidate.

The theory is very elegant, but with certain exceptions, the theory doesn’t often work out in practice. Continue Reading »

Blue Collar Corner’s Andy Sullivan is doing an excellent job covering this race for New York City Council!

Dan Halloran has been active in the Tea Party movement.  He MC’d the Healthcare Town Hall that was held in Bellerose and was one of the organizers of the Healthcare Tea Party protest outside Gary Ackerman’s office in Bayside.

A former firefighter, Dan has all the qualities and beliefs that make him an excellent candidate for the New York City Council!

Dan’s website is hereHis blog is here.