Archive for November, 2007

* Honoring Heroes at the Holidays *

New York City

 Sunday, December 16th, 1 pm

Liberty Park, Liberty St and Trinity Pl

Join MOVE AMERICA FORWARD and GATHERING OF EAGLES in Supporting Our Troops by delivering over 100,000 Christmas, Holiday and Hanukkah Cards to the men and women of the U.S. Military who will be thousands of miles away from their homes and families this holiday season!

Get your children, churches, temples and schools to participate!  Bring the completed cards and your family to the rally on December 16th in New York City or mail them in batches to our collection location!

Instructions for preparing Cards:

  1.  Write an appropriate supportive holiday message to a soldier in the card.
  2. Do NOT seal the envelope for security reasons.
  3. Hand drawn cards can be folded without an envelope.
  4. Address the card as follows depending on the card inside
    • Christmas Card for Our Troops
    • Holiday Card for Our Troops
    • Hanukkah Card for Our Troops

    Place the individual cards into a larger envelope or box and bring them to the December 16th rally or Address and mail it to:

Honoring Heroes at the Holidays c/o
The Soldiers’, Sailors’, Marines’ and Airman’s Club
283 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10016

The MOVE AMERICA FORWARD caravan has already departed California and is winding its way across America, town by town, collecting cards from young and old, to deliver to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.  You can follow the daily progress of the caravan here!

New York City is the last stop before Baghdad, Iraq!  Lets give them a wonderful New York City Welcome and show them We Love and Support the Troops!

Dan Maloney, New York State Coordinator, Gathering of Eagles

What Patriots Do!

FDNY Fire Riders in Action

Providing Assistance in loading and delivering Christmas Packages to Our Troops!

I had the privilege today to meet a contingent of fine FDNY Fire Riders as they were preparing to set out on a mission in support of our troops. These men had rented a truck and were going to load it with packages for the troops prepared by the Jacob’s Light Foundation. Then they would escort the truck to the local Post Office recently renamed the Jacob Samuel Fletcher Postal Facility in Babylon. The packages would be unloaded and shipped to the troops.

Spc. Jacob Fletcher, 173rd Airborne Brigade, was Killed in Action in Samarah, Iraq, in 2003. In his memory his mother started the Jacob’s Light Foundation to send care packages to soldiers in Iraq who might not receive such support from home.

The Fire Riders have supported the Jacob’s Light Foundation in previous years and will continue to do so.

Pictures of the start of the ride are here.

I was unable to accompany the riders today but was pleased to hear that the operation proceeded smoothly and successfully!

Dan Maloney, New York State Coordinator, Gathering of Eagles

Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban are Traitors!

Do you think they care how many American soldiers and civilians or how many innocent people around the world they will kill by putting out this incendiary enemy propaganda film?

Redacted is yet the latest example of unhinged left wing radicals attempting to throw America’s military under the bus for their own ego and political gain. This movie is likely to be shunned by American audiences just as every anti-American movie recently released has been, but this movie is fundamentally different. This movie will incite the Islamofascist radicals and their willing adherents to greater efforts to harm Americans and our allies wherever they have the opportunity. Making these types of allegations against Americans is straight from the Al Qaeda training manual, DePalma and Mark Cuban seem to have learned their lesson well. Some innocents will say this is all about greed, that they just wanted to make a quick buck off of sensationalist drivel, those people are fooling themselves. They did this to hurt the United States and its military in the worst way they could. They did it because they hate America and the fact that we are trying to spread democracy widely in a region of the world that has never experienced it before.

The situation on the ground in Iraq has improved to such a degree that the enemy was desperate for something to stir up the Islamofascist masses. So DePalma and Cuban obliged them by putting together a schlock propaganda film that tars our military as rapists and murderers. How demoralizing do you think that will be to our troops? More importantly, how do you think it will be used by the islamofascist nihilists? I can see the radical imams using it now as proof that the great satan is killing and raping muslims everywhere. I can see those deluded masses rioting in the streets in muslim cities. I can see the carnage that will result. In past wars our government wouldn’t permit this treason to take place. Now we are bound by the straitjacket of political correctness. The constitution of the United States is not a suicide pact. Shouting fire in a crowded movie theater is not a legal example of free speech. Shouting Rape and Murder to incite muslim populations against your own country and its allies should not be either.

Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban are enemy combatants. They will cause more damage and loss of life throughout the world than any Al Qaeda thug possibly could. And They will do it by hiding their traitorous actions behind the veil of free speech. Make no mistake, Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban are the enemy.

Across the nation people will be establishing boycotts outside movie theaters showing their film. Starting this Friday it opens in New York City at the Sunshine Cinema, 143 East Houston Street and the Lincoln Plaza Cinemas, 1886 Broadway at 62nd Street. Join other patriots at the Lincoln Plaza site in protesting the release and airing of enemy propaganda in America. Call the movie theater and register your complaints.

Write your local newspapers, call in to radio talk shows, spread the word:

Brian DePalma and Mark Cuban are Traitors!

Redacted is an Enemy Propaganda Tool!

Dan Maloney, New York State Coordinator, Gathering of Eagles

More Info and Links:

Gathering of Eagles

Boycott Redacted

Sunshine Theater

Lincoln Cinemas

Veterans Day 2007

About 18,000 marchers are estimated to have participated in this year’s Veteran’s Day Parade in New York City!  A far cry from the 1980’s when turnout was so low that they didn’t need a permit!  Many thanks are due to Vince McGowan of the United War Veteran’s Council of New York County who helped turn the situation around after the American Legion had voted to stop holding the parade in New York City.

The Urban Infidel photoblogged the parade and wrote up this Outstanding report.

Her photo sets are here, here and here.

Our second intrepid photographer, Pamela, has many more excellent photos at this link and some short movie clips.

Of course, being New York, you have to expect some cowardly functionaries at the Parade Committee would allow a few Anti-American jackasses to participate and demean the sacrifice of all our other veterans.  Hey!  Permit people!  These bozos get to march in all the Communist events in our great city, why give them yet another chance to spew their bile?

A very few pictures of the traitors are here.

And some thankfully short clips of their protest march follow:

It was an insult to our veterans that these people were allowed to march at all.

God Bless the U.S. Military and all of its fine men and women!

Dan Maloney