Archive for May, 2011

Gathering of Eagles
Action Alert

West Point Graduation 2011

What:  Support Our Military Cadets and Their Families
When:  Saturday, May 21st, 7am to 1pm
Where:  Highland Falls, NY, Memorial Park

Come celebrate the elimination of Osama bin Laden and show support for our military cadets and their families!

Every year the usual lefty suspects try to lower the morale of our military familes by placing flag draped coffins along the roadway leading into West Point.  This year they will be particularly incensed because our military eliminated Osama bin Laden.

Please join us to stage a Support the Troops rally at Memorial Park and give the families of our young men and women a positive experience to remember as their sons and daughters embark upon their military careers.

The early start time is to avoid the traffic congestion of the families arriving to attend the graduation as well as provide us time to set up flags and signs to welcome them and express our support.