Archive for August, 2010

On a day when many were in Washington for a Restoring Honor event, another Honor and Remember event, one that has been repeated for the past 130 years was taking place in Brooklyn, NY.

The Prison Ship Martyrs Memorial is the single largest mass grave of American POWs in the world.  The remains of 11,500 patriots are entombed within the mausoleum upon which the memorial is built.  These men, many captured at the Battle of Brooklyn (Itself the first and largest battle of the Revolutionary War), were imprisoned within the floating hulks of decomissioned British warships that were anchored in Wallabout Bay, later the site of the Brooklyn Navy Yard.  What is most unique about this group of patriots is that each and every one of them had the opportunity to walk free.  All it would have required was to forsake their belief in Liberty and swear allegiance to the King of England.

None did.

So for months and years they froze and sweltered in the hulls of those airless hulks.  When disease wrenched the last breath from their bodies their carcasses were unceremoniously bundled into long boats and dumped in shallow graves along the shore.

No one knows how many perished.  Only one ship, HMS Jersey, kept records which showed eight men a day on average perished within her holds.  There were at least ten other ships which kept no records.  Continental Army accounts compiled after the war showed twenty thousand died in captivity, the great majority of whom were confined in the prison ships, and an untold number of captured Navy seamen and privateers as well.

The Society of Old Brooklynites have been the custodians of this memorial since before it was constructed.

Each year they hold the memorial remembrance in August at the base of the monument where they place a wreath.

And every year there are speakers who relate the history of the Battle of Brooklyn, the Prison Ships, and the relationship to veterans and patriots of the past and present.

But for the vast majority of Americans, this is an unknown subject, an unknown monument, and forgotten patriots.

Thank God there are some who will keep the eternal flame glowing.

More photos are here.

Previous reports are here:  20092008.

The following is a guest editorial by the parents of Navy Fireman Gary Graham Swenchonis , Jr., who was killed in the suicide bomb attack on the U.S.S. Cole.

Justice Denied to the Cole Sailors Again

Obama has stopped the Trial of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the Cole Bomber yet again. This makes the third time! Why are we not surprised? Well first off Obama has made it a bad habit of denying the real victims and thier families justice.
We were to leave for Gitmo on a Friday, when on Wednesday Obama’s Aide called me to ask me if we would come to the White House for a meeting with President Obama on Thursday.
I asked him “Why?”. Even though I already knew that he was going to drop the charges against Al-Nashiri. The Aide was reluctant to tell me on the phone though. So I just told him “No. I know this meeting for what it is. Obama is going to drop charges.” Which he did at that meeting to much fanfare, and the promise that al-Nashiri would be charged and tried in a Federal Court.
It appeared that Obama thought that the Military Tribunal were too draconian, and that the terrorists would not get a fair trial. We thought that was extremely odd, considering that we had attended the trial of the Al-Qaeda Propagandist just two months before at Gitmo. We saw how professional all the military personnel conducted themselves at all times. In my previous profession I was in civilian court many times. From what I saw of the Military court it was much more professional in all aspects than the civilian courts.
But I think it’s a safe assumption to say now that we all know now liberal Obama is in his beliefs. So it only makes sense that Obama would rather have the terrorists tried in a civilian court. But then after more months of waiting, Obama changed his mind again!
Now it was back to the Military Tribunals, but with one major caveat. The Tribunals would be reformed! To better serve the needs of the terrorists. So after more months of waiting, Obama announced that the New and Improved Military Tribunals were ready. I thought that, well, even though the Tribunals are “terrorists friendly” at least we will get a trial after 9 long years!  My wife and I hoped that the New Tribunals were not as terrorist friendly as they were in Yemen. Where all the Cole bombers were either pardoned, given reduced sentences, and/or allowed to escape and roam free.
But Obama has changed his mind again! And we knew it was coming. The reason is purely political now. No matter how he and his administration try to spin it. If the terrorists were tried in Obama’s new tribunals there is a very good chance that they would be given extremely light sentences, and or acquitted. And that would be very bad news for Obama and the democrats in the present political environment.
So justice plays second fiddle to politics, again. And that’s wrong, plain wrong. The Cole tragedy is riddled with politics, and how they came first, and the victims and their families second. Too many instances to list here.
So the 10th Anniversary of the attack on an American ship of war will soon be here, and gone. And Clinton’s words that he spoke at the ceremony less than a week after the attack on the USS Cole will ring hollow. He spoke how American would track down the terrorists who had committed the attack and bring them to justice. We did not believe him anyway, but it sure sounded tough.
And in the end, the only terrorists killed who were involved with the attack, were taken out on Bush’s watch. And the only one to stand trial was on Bush’s watch as well.  So my wife and I owe President Bush a Thank-you. And we mean it too. I guess one president out of three who took some action ain’t to bad.
But President Obama should be ashamed of himself for the way he has played with the emotions of the victims families. I know we are ashamed of him.
Gary G. Swenchonis, Sr and Deborah Swenchonis
Even though many of your leaders have forgotten the justice that you and your mates deserve so much, we have not.”
Remember the Cole!

Yesterday the Washington Post reported that the Obama administration has shelved the prosecution of the terrorist responsible for the deaths of 17 American sailors aboard the U.S.S.Cole.

In a slam to the families of the victims and to the survivors of the bombing, the Obama administration move only underscores the lack of commitment of the President and Attorney General to prosecute the war on terror.

Update: Parents speak out

We previously reported on the USS Cole:

AAR Remember the USS Cole memorial at the NYC Muslim Day Parade

Letter to Yemeni President Saleh

More here.

This man’s sign says it all:

As an out of work Union Carpenter, I’d rather starve than earn a bloody check from this job

Hundreds from across the country joined him in that sentiment at the Stop the Mosque Rally at Ground Zero today.

Local News Media covered the story:

Here’s an excellent video:

Update:  Lefty Thug Curses Holocaust Survivor!

More pictures here!

Andy Sullivan and Tim Brown organized this event.

The next big Stop the Mosque Rally will be on September 11, 3pm.

Melanie Morgan, patriot and radio talk show host, turned the tables on her long term nemesis, Code Pink, yesterday!

Here’s a prior confrontation from the Code Pink siege of a Marine Corps Recruiting Station.

Melanie Morgan facing off against Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin in Berkeley

Yesterday, Melanie and a group of intrepid conservative protested outside a fund raiser for Jerry Brown at the home of Jodie Evans, another Code Pinko.  Using the lefties own tactics of protesting outside private residences, Melanie and company managed to disrupt the event by laying down on the sidewalk in front of the entrance and confronting Jodie Evans about the large donation Code pink made to the families of the terrorists from Fallujah, Iraq, during the height of the Iraq War.

My hat is off to Melanie Morgan!

More here, here and here!

Today we had the honor of welcoming the hundreds of riders who drove their motorcycles into New York City from the Pentagon as part of the America’s 9/11 Ride sponsored by the America’s 9/11 Foundation.  Our own Frankie Bania was on the ride and I got a chance to welcome him in the middle of Seventh Ave!

Here’s the video of all the bikes exiting the Holland tunnel into the city!

The bikes proceeded uptown to the hotel where they were parked on all the adjoining streets.

There were many police rider contingents from around the country.

This family, from Australia, got to pose on a Police bike from El Paso, Texas!

Later there was a rally where a top of the line Harley Davidson was raffled off, and a police bike was donated to one of the forces that had riders on the trip!  The night concluded with entertainment, but I only stayed through the first song by the country western singer John Adam Murph.

More photos are hereon Facebook!

Here is the webshots album.

More reporting here!

Frankie has some photos from along the ride on Facebook!

Gold Star Father Leonard T. Wahl was an Air Force Vietnam Veteran.  In 2004 he lost his only son, Sgt. Gregory L. Wahl, in Operation Iraqi Freedom. A few weeks ago Len stood with us at the Stop the Mosque at Ground Zero Rally in New York City.

Gold Star Father Len Wahl and Escaped Sudanese Slave Simon Deng

Last friday, while traveling locally to visit his grandaughter, Len suffered a massive heart attack.

Today, the Patriot Guard Riders and Gold Star Family members from Long Island Gathered to honor the memory of a great American.

Rest in Peace, Len.

A few more of my photos here.

More great photos by Alice here!

Last Sunday Code Pink and all the usual suspects staged a protest in support of the Wikileaks traitor Pvt. Bradley Manning.

Uncle Jimbo of Blackfive did several interviews with the media, here he is with the local CBS affiliate.

CNN aired interviews with both sides, leading with Suzy (Medea) Benjamin.  I laughed out loud when she mentioned “in the United States I know and love“.  The only reason she is in America is because Cuba threw her out when she complained that the Castros weren’t communist enough!

Newsy did an excellent video with background and other views:

Fred Peterson being interviewed

Uncle Jimbo of BlackFive being interviewed

Concrete Bob with his "Osama Loves Code Pink" sign

Toothless Dawg wrote an after action report on the national GOE website:

Well, it was pretty disorganized to begin with. Code pink and their affiliated communist retards said they were going to meet up at the Amtrak Station in the town of Quantico. I was sitting about 100′ from the amtrak station to monitor their arrival. Even saw one get a ticket from the MPs for some reason … maybe being entitled…

Others arrived in groups of 2 – 6, wearing their ‘arrest Bush’ and ‘Stop the war in Iran’ T-shirts. I swear I think I recognized some of them from when I faced them in the 60s … they still haven’t taken a bath or washed their clothes.

Read the rest here!

More here, here and here.

The newest Gathering of Eagles Weekly Troop started a few weeks ago in Middletown!  Last Saturday they were visited by the Citizens 4 Freedom Tea Party group who snapped some excellent photos:

Carl O’Flanagan the Orange County Coordinator for GOE writes about the day here!

More great photos here!

The Gathering of Eagles Poughkeepsie Troop Rally was joined by Tea Party Patriots from the Orange/Sullivan 912 Group and the Citizens 4 Freedom group to honor American Servicemen on Memorial Day Weekend!

More great photos here!