Archive for October 26th, 2009

A new poll out by The Club for Growth shows Doug Hoffman now in the lead in the race for Congress in New York’s 23rd district!

Doug Hoffman

The Breakdown:

Hoffman (C) – 31.3%
Owens (D) – 27%
Undecided – 22%
Scozzafava (R) – 19.7%

Lynda reports:

I talked to a realtor friend of mine in North Creek and she said there were no individuals in Minerva, Northcreek, or Pottersville who didn’t know who Doug Hoffman was. There are signs all over Minerva.

The tide is definitely turning, keep up the great work!

It’s never too late to make a donation to the cause!

More here, here and here!

Update: The Democrat National Congressional Committee is turning to negative advertising against Doug Hoffman believing him to be the major threat to their candidate!

Here is excellent background information on how the disastrous Scozzafava nomination came about.

This should get the Democratic National Committee’s knickers in a knot!  And maybe worse in RNC and NRCC circles!


My friend and fellow patriot, Bob MacGuffie, of Right Principles, who the DNC chose to lambast as the secret head of the Tea Party movement, has issued a rousing endorsement of Doug Hoffman in the NY-23 race:

There comes a time when any political movement must stand on principle.  This is one of those times. That is why Right Principles is proud to contribute $1,000 to the campaign of Doug Hoffman in his pursuit of the Congressional seat in the NY 23rd District.

For too long have the Republican Party professionals, in pursuit of their own narrow professional interests, used and then abandoned its most loyal segment: the Conservative Base.

Every election cycle Republicans come before us and, in the name of pragmatism, demand the Conservative Base abandon its most cherished principles so that “the lesser of two evils” can be elected.   All the old clichés are trotted out: half a loaf is better than none; at least the candidate is a “fiscal” conservative; the Party needs to attract Independents; the Party can’t win with “only” the Base; the Party needs to appear bi-partisan; once the candidate is elected he can be “pressured” to “move right” and, of course, he’s better than the Liberal candidate.

The theory is very elegant, but with certain exceptions, the theory doesn’t often work out in practice. Continue Reading »

Blue Collar Corner’s Andy Sullivan is doing an excellent job covering this race for New York City Council!

Dan Halloran has been active in the Tea Party movement.  He MC’d the Healthcare Town Hall that was held in Bellerose and was one of the organizers of the Healthcare Tea Party protest outside Gary Ackerman’s office in Bayside.

A former firefighter, Dan has all the qualities and beliefs that make him an excellent candidate for the New York City Council!

Dan’s website is hereHis blog is here.

Our intrepid Long Island Alternative Newsman, Vince, made the journey to Stamford to join our Connecticut brothers in their Tea Party protest outside the Dodd fundraiser in Stamford on Friday.

Our Connecticut patriot PALINSMITH also covered the event extensively:

Excellent job Nutmeggers!!

For more of Palinsmiths great videos go here!

Visit the Dodd Crisis website here!