Archive for December, 2009

Someone has the measure of Obama.

Vladimir Putin announced today that he wants the plans to America’s missile defence systems so that Russia can develop methods to counteract them.  It wasn’t enough that Obama unilaterally threw Poland and the Czech republic under the bus by canceling plans to deploy a missile defense shield for Europe to protect against an Iran with nuclear weapons.

Liberal fantasies never last long when confronted by real power politics.  But we are now stuck with an ideologue in our highest office who is clueless when dealing with those who have their own best interests at heart.  What could possibly go wrong?

More at Sweetness and Light.

Patriots turned out to protest the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to suburban Illinois yesterday!

From Bloomberg News:

About 800 people today filled a high school auditorium 30 miles from the Thomson Correctional Center for the only scheduled opportunity for the public to comment in Illinois on the transfers.

Boos and shouts of “lie” filled the auditorium earlier as state officials testified about the proposal before the 12- member Illinois Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability.

Fox News covered the hearings:

Bev Perlson and Debbie Lee appeared on Fox News Afterwards:

More pictures here.

911 Never forget has a report here.

Illinois Review has links to related stories here.

More media coverage here and here.

Michelle Malkin has a posting here.

Voice of America Video:

Raise Your Flag

Gold Star widow Autumn Letendre performs an original moving tribute!

For more information on the Golden Star USA group please visit their website.

Here is the self aggrandizing one at Copenhagen:

Hey, Barack, you want to reduce our dependence on foreign oil?  Try Drill Here, Drill Now!

Give us the opportunity you are giving to Brazil by fronting them billions of our dollars to develop their offshore oil reserves!

Now you want to give away billions more of our dollars to third world countries.

You certainly have driven us further than we ever have before, to the brink of bankruptcy.

America is being held hostage like Gulliver ensnared by lilliputian minds.

More Here!

Where are they going to house the gitmo terrorists in the United States?

They have chosen a prison in Thomson, Illinois, and have announced that selection.  Unfortunately, there need to be public hearings before such a decision is made by the Illinois General Assembly to sell the prison to the Federal government.  Our friend, Blue Star Mom Bev Perlson, of the Band of Mothers, is leading the charge to oppose this decision.  She is organizing a rally at 1pm on Dec. 22nd for the General Assembly Hearing at Sterling High School, 1608 4th Avenue, Sterling, Illinois in opposition to any decision to move the Gitmo detainees there.

This rally is supported by the 9/11 Never Forget Coalition!

Here she is on Fox News yesterday:

Sign the petition!

News story here!

Here is the White House background briefing, read the questions!

Gateway pundit has the story!  Here is the Video!

It’s not like rational folks didn’t see this coming.

You can not appease your way to victory.

Sounds like the theme song for one of those reality cop shows:

Bad Boy, Bad Boy

Whatcha gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do when the Mullahs Punk You!

In a surprising move, the United States Department of Energy on Monday morning issued a “Litigation Hold Notice” directing its employees to preserve all documents and data relating to the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.

A litigation hold order requires all personnel to preserve the information in anticipation that it may become evidence in judicial or investigative actions.

What this means is that enough traction has been gained by the climategate revelations that the Inspector General in the Department of Energy now realizes that the agency may be liable if it destroys any information relevant to the case.  One would wish that the order were broader and included other US agencies including the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the NASA Goddard Institute as well, but it is an important first step in securing evidence.

From the order:

DOE-SR has received a “Litigation Hold Notice” from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) General Council and the DOE Office of Inspector General regarding the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England. Accordingly, they are requesting that SRNS, SRR and other Site contractors locate and preserve all documents, records, data, correspondence, notes, and other materials, whether official or unofficial, original or duplicative, drafts or final versions, partial or complete that may relate to the global warming, including, but not limited to, the contract files, any related correspondence files, and any records, including emails or other correspondence, notes, documents, or other material related to this contract, regardless of its location or medium on which it is stored. In other words, please preserve any and all documents relevant to “global warming, the Climate Research Unit at he University of East Anglia In England, and/or climate change science.”

Read the Whole Thing Here!


The Litigation Hold Notice appears to have been triggered by a letter from Senator Inhofe (see copy below) which was written back on November 30th.  Why did it take two full weeks for the DOE to comply?

Hat Tip: Climate Audit

The Examiner has a posting here.

One commentator at Watts Up With That makes a very astute observation: Continue Reading »

Our Gold Star Families returned tonight from Snowball Express 2009!

And the Patriot Guard Riders were there to greet them!

More Photos Here!

Here’s the Texas PGR entering Dallas Cowboys Stadium!

Here are some behind the scenes photos of the PGR at the StadiumThanks, Mike!

Here’s a video of families arriving in Dallas

And a video of the Mesquite Rodeo!

More of the Cowboys Stadium!

Snow has arrived in the Hudson Valley!

Dennis reports:

We had our usual contingent of patriots but we also were joined by a Navy mother and later an Army mother. The Navy mother, who is becoming a regular, told us that her son has been accepted into OCS and will report there at the end of his current cruise. He wants to become a Naval aviator.

Our Army mom who has also been coming to the corner on a regular basis got a major surprise this week when her son, who is deployed to Iraq, showed up at home with almost 3 weeks leave.  She couldn’t wait to bring him to the corner, which she did.  While there, Jerry had to go talk to our celebrity opposition [Pete Seeger & The Moonbats] to tell them that he was proud to serve so that they would be able to voice their protests.  They received him well!

We outnumbered them again!  Another victory for pro America!

Proud Army Mom sent this video to commemorate Jerry’s visit!

Note:  The Poughkeepsie Troop Rally is a weekly event every Saturday Noon to 2pm on the southeast corner of Rte 9 and Vassar Road.  Stop by and say hello to the veterans!