Action Alert: Freedom Friday Tea Party, Suffolk


Freedom Friday Tea Party
Friday, April 3, 2009
4pm until Dark         Rain or Shine!
Northport Park       Here is a link to a map for directions.
Northport, NY

If you have had enough of the government spending your money and putting your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren into a mountain of debt then come to Northport on Friday and let the country know how you feel about government mismanagement.

Bring tea to dump in the harbor, signs to express your outrage, and flags to demonstrate our commitment to the ideals our nation was founded on.

For sign ideas click here.

Or watch this video/slideshow of the Orlando Tea Party.

Bring your entire families and all your friends to join in sending a message to Washington that we ARE the people.  That we CARE about the country our future generations will inherit.

Say NO to socialism, say NO to PORK!  This is YOUR opportunity to tell Washington how you feel!

Read: Why the Tea Party Movement is important to us.

Here is a map of the Park:


Tea Party Anthem.

Another excellent song.

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