Climategate: The CO2 Front

Ok, lets look at some pictures:

Conch Shells grown at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Sea Urchins grown at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

All under controlled conditions.  The specimens on the left were grown with CO2 levels exisiting today.  The ones on the right with heightened CO2 levels.

Doesn’t look like they suffered very much, does it?

Read the whole thing here!

Meanwhile, in the fraud department:

Denmark CO2 trading scheme rife with fraud!

Perhaps a closer look should be taken at our own Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

You mean you didn’t know that New York and other states are already trading fake carbon offsets?

And that the profits of selling these offsets being created by state and privately owned corporations are being appropriated by the state for its own purposes?

Maybe you should review this series of videos on how the state is deciding to spend the money they are supposed to be making off of this scheme.

Now the United Nations CDM Halts China Wind Projects.

All the President’s Climategate Deniers.

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