Obama throws Poland under the Bus

Polands Prime Minister Donald Tusk, right, paid a surprise visit to Polish soldiers in Diwaniya in December.

Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk, right, paid a surprise visit to Polish soldiers in Diwaniya in December.

Just yesterday President-Elect Barack Obama spoke by telephone with President Lech Kaczynski and assured him that he has no plans to cancel part of a U. S. missile defense system which is scheduled to be located in Poland.

Today he is reneging on that statement.

From Bloomberg News:

Obama gave the Polish president his reassurance in a telephone conversation yesterday, according to Kaczynski’s official Web site. Obama also said he “hopes for a quick” meeting of the two presidents, Kaczynski said.

From the Washington Times:

Obama senior foreign policy adviser Denis McDonough released a statement once the news came from Poland.

“President-elect had a good conversation with the Polish president and the Polish prime minister about the important U.S.-Poland alliance,” Mr. McDonough said. “President Kaczynski raised missile defense but President-elect Obama made no commitment on it. His position is as it was throughout the campaign — that he supports deploying a missile-defense system when the technology is proved to be workable.”

Hat Tip: Gateway Pundit

Unfortunately, Poland, a staunch ally of the United States in the War on Terror, whose troops have served honorably alongside our own, and who put itself dead center in Moscow’s crosshairs by agreeing to participate in the missile defense project for Europe, is no stranger to betrayal by its allies.

The “when the technology is proved to be workable” line is going to be their pretext. Unfortunately, the world knows that the technology IS WORKABLE and has in fact been used to destroy target missiles and a satellite. Using that pretext is going to be viewed by the world as betrayal and deceit.

More at Atlas Shrugs and Pat Dollard.

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